Live in store: Kuunatic
Söndag 27 april 19:00
The thrilling Japanese rock trio of Fumie Kikuchi on keys and vocals, Yuko Araki on drums and vocals, and Shoko Yoshida on bass and vocals are bolstered by diverse global sonics and powerful vocals. Drawing on ritual drumming, pulsing bass lines, atmospheric keyboard sounds, and Japanese traditional instruments, they have garnered widespread acclaim for their mesmerizing soundworld that transcends genres and hemispheres, succeeding in being both boldly experimental and wildly catchy.
Sunday April 27th at Mono, doors 6:30pm, live on stage 7pm.
(Student ticket: 150 kr)
In 2021, they released their debut album Gate of Klüna on Glitterbeat Records, produced by Tim DeWit (Gang Gang Dance) and described by the Financial Times as, “propulsive psychedelia, world music transmogrified into other-world music.” Returning with their new album “Wheels Of Ömon” in April 2025, it places a stronger emphasis on their musical concept of sci-fi mythology with their stories set on fictional planets, and using more traditional Japanese instruments. They have performed across Europe, the UK, and Asia, including appearances at festivals such as WOMAD, Roskilde Festival, Le Guess Who?, and Levitation France, to name a few.
Plats: Mono, Växjö
Datum: söndag 27 april 19:00
Pris: 195 kr + serviceavgift
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