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Innovation master students latest innovations

Fredag 4 juni 2021 09:00-10:15
Anmälan avslutad
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Be inspired to collaborate with Linnaeus University’s Innovation master by hearing about their latest projects. In a short format you get to hear about five student groups process keys and their most important project results. You will beside insights to an innovation process also get to see what opportunities there are to collaborate with the Innovation master students regarding your challenges.

The Innovation cases will show you examples as how to reuse waste, implementing agenda 2030 in organisations and how to use new sustainable materials in products.

The innovation teams work with complex problems and through an innovation process find out solutions to them. External stakeholders from both private and public organizations play a valuable role in exchanging knowledge and practices with the program students, giving them opportunity to learn how to define and solve problems that are current and real.

Jesper Lindahl, project leader Innovationslänken
Miguel Salinas, One of three program leaders for the Innovation Master program

Eventet hålls på engelska.

DATUM fredag 4 juni
TID klockan 9.00-10.15
PLATS på distans via Teams
FÖR VEM små och medelstora företag inom IKT och industri
ARRANGÖR Linnéuniversitetets innovationsmaster i samarbete med Innovationslänken
ANMÄLAN senast 2 juni