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Digibrunch 160927

Tisdag 27 september 2016 22:00
Anmälan avslutad
Eventet har redan ägt rum...
Tricks of the Trade in negotiating high value, complex, strategic contracts

Chuck Snodgrass is a retired senior executive with high level experience in the private & public sectors in the US, Europe and India. In the US Government he worked in the White House, on Capitol Hill and the Pentagon. He was Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for President Carter. He negotiated billions of dollars in government budgets & contracts. In the private sector he worked for Electronic Data Systems (EDS), Chase Manhattan Bank, Accenture, British Telecom (BT) and HCL. For Accenture he negotiated over £850m in IT, outsourcing & telecommunications contracts (hardware, software & professional services). His talk will be based on his experience in both private & public sector negotiations.

tisdag 27 september
klockan 11.30-13.00
Hus Echo, Videum Science Park, Framtidsvägen 18, Växjö
ANMÄLAN senast 23/9

Digibrunch ordnas av IEC i samarbete med Almi Företagspartner, Linnéuniversitetet & Videum Science Park